BONUS: some encouragement


Hi, how are you?

Alexander is turning 10 years old next week! For the 10 days leading up to his birthday, we’re doing 10 days of gifts. Today’s gift was a gift card for Chipotle that he decided to redeem today (surprise surprise) - because of that, I was driving for about 1.5 hours today, and that got me thinking. For some reason, I felt compelled to write an extra email this week, just as an encouragement for whoever might need to hear it!

There’s a delightful little song that first popped up on TikTok. The person who wrote the song added a second verse plus a bridge, then released it on Spotify. I’d been singing along to the first verse + chorus for a while, but I had not paid much attention to the rest until today. Here’s a line that jumped out at me that I want to share:

“How lucky are we?
Of all the fish in the sea,
You get to be you,
And I get to be me.”

I’ve heard that expression, about the fish in the sea, but only when it comes to dating. You know, after a break-up, and someone says, “There are plenty of other fish in the sea!” But I never turned it around. That out of all the “fish” out there, there’s just exactly one who is exactly like me. And there’s only one you. No one else is just like you.

If you’re feeling like you don’t have much value, remember that you are the only friend like you, and you’re the only wife like you, or mom like you, or daughter like you. And that is so special!

Your value doesn’t come from things you’ve done, how much you own, how much you’ve accomplished, how much money you make. It doesn’t come from how good you can cook or how well-behaved your kids are or anything like that. You have value simply because you are you.

From a Christian standpoint, your value comes from who God says that you are. And you are loved and priceless. You were created specifically for this time and for this life.

Here are some affirmations for you:

  • I am worthy of friendship.

  • I am worthy of love.

  • I am strong in my mind and my body.

  • I am a good person.

  • I am worthy of respect.

  • My time is valuable. I am the boss of my time.

  • I can do hard things.

  • I will get through this.

  • I am beautiful, inside and outside.

  • I love myself unconditionally.

And some Christian affirmations as well:

  • I am accepted.

  • I am complete in Christ.

  • I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control.

  • My value does not come from what others think of me.

  • I am cherished.

I don’t know what you’re going through or what you need to hear, but everyone can use some encouragement sometimes, even on a good day!

You’re amazing. Thank you for being here. And if you need specific prayer for something, just reply to this email. I read them all!

❤️ Bethany

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